The Andy Warhol Diaries. Netflix.
just finished the andy warhol diaries on netflix and I was left with a profound sadness. I can't begin to try to understand him or what made him tick, but I always loved his work. He was hated in the new york art world especially by the 2nd generation abstract painters and I remember John getting into many heated arguments over his work and his importance. John was totally supportive of Andy and wrote about him many times. I was forbidden to go anywhere near the factory, and John always went alone, guess he was afraid I would be kidnapped or worse by all those superstars. Andy was much more accessible before the shooting, and he was everywhere it seemed, and I chatted him up a few times and wish I had gotten him to sign stuff for me. He did give John two beautiful large flower prints signed, I wanted the Marilyn's. and Andy bought John's De Kooning drawing that was rolled up behind our refrigerator on 10th st. so we could have key money to get our loft. I spoke to him a few times on the phone, and he said something like "I hear you're burning little plastic buildings" he was up on all the gossip thanks to his main gossip queen squeezes Gregory Battcock and David Bourdon. David was his main squeeze on the gossip front. I was never really interested in all the glitter and glam of the late 70's and early 80's superficial art world crap way too shy and insecure so I kept to myself and saw only a few close artist friends. The interviews with all those past and very past art world things were very revealing and in the end very sad. I kept myself as clean and drug free as possible and how I didn't get AIDS is a miracle I still don't understand. I lost so many friends. Oh don't get me wrong I danced and sexed it up with the best of them, but the important thing was making art, and I really disliked so many of these art world creatures and "things" anyway. Tony Shafrazi and Mary Boone yuk. And what would I ever talk about with Keith Haring? The best thing was knowing Philip and Dorothy Pearlstein and talking to them about when Andy and Philip were roommates. Imagine that if you can. There were a few quick photos of them in their youth in the doc. and wished they had interviewed Philip. The thing that I realized early on that if you really wanted to hang out with these people you could, only I didn't want to. The people in the art world I liked, liked me and the ones that I hated I really hated. That was enough for me. You leave this documentary with such a strong sense of loss, it was almost overwhelming, but his funeral looked fabu. Highly recommended.