Monday, February 28, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Art 6 California Notebook Drawings
Friday, February 25, 2022
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael a film by Rob Garver
wasn't much taken with this safe documentary on the late film critic which
makes no mention at all of her homophobic laced reviews. Granted they were
early in her career when gays were treated with hatred and ridicule in most
areas of life including film criticism. She wasn't the only one who tossed off
anti gay slurs in their writings, but she was a disaster for me growing up and
reading her nasty takes of gays and lesbians. Also barely mentioned is her relationship with the gay
and filmmaker James Broughton who she had a daughter with. Its all smooth
sailing with the usual suspects and Paulettes bowing down to her. Fine but
there is nothing in the documentary about the anti-Paulettes especially Vito
Russo who hounded her for her homophobia and homophobic reviews and no mention of her near death bed apology
to the gay community for her treatment of us. So watch it for sure. I did. But
I came away feeling the same way I’ve always felt about her. Disgust.