Saturday, October 18, 2008


This is one of my favorite pictures of the year. John McBush drooling and trying to grab Obama's ass.

Friday, October 03, 2008


I'm putting up my images on Have over 100 up so far. You can see them at this link.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


It seems that Photobucket where I store my art work
are offended by some of the nudes that I did when I was a teenager and has removed them from the site.

What nerve. I will of course remove my work from Photobucket asap, and in fact have justt uploaded quite a few images to Flicker. It will be a big job. I wrote a couple of scathing emails to the boobs, and below is their response.

Dear ira joel haber,
We are a family friendly site and must remain so. We have users as young as
14, and families that visit our site. The only nudity we allow that is
illustrated is classic art such as Michaelangelo, Dali, or Picasso.


Your Photobucket Support Team

are they serious? It's almost funny.
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