Takashi Murakami
So what does it matter if I think that the Takashi Murakami show is a
big pile of expensive dung, and that Gagosian should be bound and
gagged and forced to spend a weekend in this glitzy disgusting show
until his eyes pop out of his head and land at his feet. So this is what
we’ve come to. This stuff should be torn down and sold for junk with
the profits going to feed the entire nation of Haiti. So does it matter
that I think that the 56 ton replica of a sacred
gate that fills this gigantic space looks like something left over from
the Shanghai Lil number where Ruby and Jimmy danced it up, and Busby
yelled cut, or maybe it’s the set that Sammy Fuller shot China Gate on
with Angie Dickinson’s legs filling the Cinemascope screen. This show is
a disaster a depressing statement on the state of the art world. Maybe
Marina Abramović could pull up a chair and give us a stare or two or
maybe blindfold us so we never have to see this shit ever again. .
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