Saturday, February 11, 2017

Inventing Downtown

Inventing Downtown. Artist Run Galleries in New York City 1952-1965
Grey Art Gallery NYU. through April 1, 2017

I saw this marvelous jam packed exhibition today and think anyone who loves art and new york city will jump up and down over this one. Documenting the unique artist run gallery scene that was visible and active mainly downtown during the early 50's and mid 60's it includes small pieces by many well known artists but also includes pieces by lesser known artists along with photos, announcements and other bits of documentation. The list of artists is long and I have to say that I was pretty much impressed and enticed by most of the work. I was just a babe when this scene was going on but later on when I arrived on the scene I was lucky to meet and greet many of the artists included and even got to know many of them sometimes up close and sometimes from a distance. As usual with the Grey Art Gallery it's a lovely well thought out show nicely installed, and be sure to pick up the free nice 20pg. large brochure with notes, photos and interviews and also grab the fold over which opens up to a nice poster of the great Red Grooms transporting artwork to the Reuben Gallery which is illustrated below.


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