The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond 1960

Made on the cheap this is an
entertaining if somewhat fictionalized
look at the life of Legs Diamond that was directed by Budd Boetticher who is
best known for his minimal elegiac westerns that he made with Randolph Scott.
As I said it was made cheaply and it shows in the back lot sets and the on
again off again look of the period, which takes place in the 1920’s but has the
look and feel of the late 50’s in style, sets and costumes. Cast as Diamond the nasty and unfeeling
gangster is the very handsome but wooden Ray Danton who does the best he can
with the role considering his limitations as an actor. The film opens with some stock footage of the
skyline of New York City and then we are plopped down in generic New York City
sets where Legs (still called Jack) lands in the big city with his ill brother
played by a very young Warren Oates. Before long Jack is hatching a plot to
steal some diamonds with the help of a naïve and unsuspecting dance instructor
played by Karen Steele who was a regular in Budd’s Western’s and gives a nice
little performance here considering what she had to work with. Jack soon finds
himself in lockup and manages on a jailhouse visit from the sweet Karen to
smooth dance with her out on a parole and into a gig as a dancing duo headlining
at the Hotsy Totsy Club where one night Jack spots Arnold Rothstein and hatches
a plan to maneuver his way into his gang. Jack is soon working his way up the
ladder and Arnold gives him the nickname Legs because of his dancing chops, but
in reality he got the nickname for his ability to snatch and run' in the
garment district. Legs is soon making it
with Rothstein’s double crossing mistress played by the legendary starlet
Elaine Stewart, and at the same time making enemies with some of the other boys
in the gang especially the really good pock marked Joseph Ruskin who plays Matt
Moran. There are a couple of memorable sequences in the movie especially the
one where Diamond mows down 3 would be assassins from a tenement window and
Boetticher shows them laid out in the street which makes for a well known still
that usually pops up in books on the gangster crime genre. The other well known
sequence is a clever montage like series of scenes of Diamond and Steele (who
he finally married not out of love but to prevent her from testifying against
him) on a vacation in Europe to avoid the heat coming down on him that consists
of the two of them bored watching movie newsreels in various capitals that show
the changes in the criminal underworld including the downfall of Mayor Jimmy
Walker and the imprisonment of Al Capone for tax evasion. Diamond who shows
more and more discomfort watching these newsreels realizes that it’s time to
get back home but its too late as the crime world has changed and Legs is a now
a relic of the past with a price on his head. I don’t need to say that it all
ends badly for Legs and fade to black. The film boasts better than it deserves
cinematography by the great Lucien Ballard whose long career ranged from B
movies to unaccredited work on several of Von Sternberg films to his long
collaboration with Sam Peckinpah. Also of note is the music score by Leonard Rosenmann who is most known for his
beautiful scores for East of Eden and Rebel Without A Cause and the costumes by
Howard Shoup who received an Oscar nomination for his designs. Also in the good
cast are a bushel full of great character actors including Jesse White, Simon
Oakland, Frank DeKova and Sid Melton and look for a very young Dyan Cannon in
her first movie role.
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