Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Richard Serra 1938-2024

Sadden to learn of Richard's passing. I knew him in the early late 60's early 70's meeting him for the first time in the late 60's probably at Max's sitting at Robert Smithson's table. He was formidable in statue and looks being like a worker off from his job, which he liked. He was strong and attractive and I was intimidated by him me being a young and unknown artist. He came on strong to me, kinda scaring me with his looks and pointed questions to me. I stood my crowd and although we never became close we respected each other. His work had a lot of meaning for me and in odd ways in his early work I took from it what I needed. In the late 70's I had a big show at Kent State and without my knowing the curators sent out letters to various artists asking what they thought of my work, these responses were to be published in the ugly catalog that they did. If I had known I would have forbidden it, but I didn't know. One day my phone rang and it was Richard. From my memory the conversation went something like this. "I'm very embarrassed Ira Joel because I got a letter from kent state asking me to write something about your art, I did it, but I forgot to put in the envelope and mailed an empty envelope to them." I laughed and told him it was ok. I sure would have liked to have known what he thought. I got my wish many years later when on my umptieth application for the Guggenheim I asked Richard via emails if you would write a letter of recommendation for me, which he did. I didn't get the Guggenheim, hell if Richard Serra couldn't get me the grant why bother which I haven't ever again. Anyway here is the letter which I treasure and sad good bye to a great artist.

"I have known Ira Joel Haber’s work since 1969 and I recall his early shows at the Fischbach Gallery which I took great interest in. His early floor pieces and constructed configurations later developed into three dimensional boxes, a mixture of Cornel, Schwitters and urban detritus lifted from arcane places: flower shops, flea markets, urban Americana. The scale of his work has always interested me in that he could describe discreet miniature volumes that implied an enormous scale. I can place Ira Joel Haber in an updated lineage from Cornel to Dove to Hartley. What is particular in his work is not only the scale in relation to part but the intensity of the interaction of color as well as the drawing in his constructions. Ira Joel Haber’s work has been present on the scene for over 40 years and has had considerable influence on the work of other sculptors, painters, photographers and interestingly enough, filmmakers. I would consider Ira an outsider who has retained the status of an artist’s artist.

I cannot think of anyone more deserving of a Guggenheim Foundation Grant. I would like to give the highest recommendation and it is my sincere hope that Ira Joel Haber will receive a Guggenheim Foundation Grant.

Richard Serra


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