Saturday, August 21, 2021

Voice. Netflix


Another wild and woolly Korean ride through hell. Influenced by American cop and thriller television series that I never watch, and the only reason I jumped on this was because it was Korean and they don’t hold much back. This one takes place in an emergency call center which is called the “Golden Time Team” and is lead by a spunky young woman who has psycho acoustic skills that she honed in America. She can hear sounds including voices that only she can hear and offers the team clues on where to find not only the victims but the perpetrators as well. As you can imagine this special skill doesn’t sit well with the higher ups and she is constantly in battles with them to prove her skills and worth in solving crimes. Her main sparring partner is an argumentative detective who is intense and very good looking. The spunky young woman is also attractive and they have a combative relationship and a common thread in that two of their family members were slaughtered by the serial killer whose deeds take up most of the 14 hours running time of the first season. It moves for sure, and a lot of it can be confusing especially trying to keep all those Korean names straight. There are sidebars to the main serial killer story, including mothers trying to kill their children, buses crashing, crazy landladies, demented drag queens, kidnappings and lots of corruption  but it’s the serial killer who by the way is movie star handsome  that takes up most of their  time and effort as they try to catch him if they can. Its also gory and graphic, so much so that Netflix or someone blurs some of the more graphic gore and even takes the color out of some of the more graphic remains of the murders. Nice of them. Netflix is showing 2 of the 4 seasons.    


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