Friday, October 30, 2020

Dogs Of Berlin 2018 Netflix

 A fast and furious cop series set in a distraught crime ridden neighborhood of Berlin that is covered  with drugs, murder, and especially racism. The show opens with a corrupt ex-nazi cop screwing his mistress when her young son interrupts them with the news that her infant smells and needs changing. Ok. Raw and  real including the explicit nudity. If you like big beefy nude male butts this is the show for you. The cop Kurt Grimmer played by Felix Kramer changes the infant and cuddles the child has he smokes a cigarette on the balcony. Suddenly something catches his attention and off he goes down to a crime scene  with the baby in his arms. This is clearly a great opening and I was caught up and hooked. It seems that a Turkish-German superstar football (soccer) has been murdered and this sets all the warring groups off and on fire. Grimmer is a gambler, in big debt and corrupt as the day is long and has a mother from hell and younger brother who are deep into a neo-nazi group. In order to investigate the murder, which has a surprise and pretty good solution his bosses on the police squad give him a Turkish German partner Erol Birkan who is also out gay, morally upright and the opposite of Grimmer and is well acted by Fahri Yardim. This is a nice and unexpected touch but brings the usual homophobia and danger to him including a terrible beating at the hands of his new partner and his rough house homophobic pals on the force. The action proceeds at a fast clip and involves all the scum, crooks and racists including the neo-Nazis, the Berlin mafia, the Lebanese and Turkish nationalists and the crooked police, quite a stew. There are also side bars with melodramatic soap like problems with wives, mistresses, boyfriends, cheap thieves both young and old and the city of Berlin itself. Some of it blends and some of it rises to the top scalding hot and bitter, but it does move and has lots of color if no charm. Its visually arresting with neon color, loud rap gangster music, fast moving cars and chases and a boiling hot street fight involving the Turkish nationalists and the Nazi’s. Oh yes there are also some dogs. Not for everyone, but if your taste runs to rough and raw this 10 part series might do it for you.  Subtitled. 



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