Friday, April 10, 2020

Knives Out 2019

A bore with a few bits and pieces that are mildly amusing. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time reviewing this dumbbell of a movie except that it was licked, kissed and fawned over last year by critics and audiences alike. Its as if they had never seen a good who done it and instead are content to watch this ghastly Angela Lansbury style tv murder something, which gets a little plug along with practically every other mystery crime movie that was ever made. Daniel Craig who is embarrassing to watch with his tacky southern accent plays a detective out to solve the murder of a world renowned mystery writer and the solving is there right from the get go. Ludicrous plot twists that make no sense and characters who have no sense litter this old dark house that is cluttered with things and stuff along with a lot of nonsense. The cast is a mish mash of a, b and c actors including Christopher Plummer as the head of the usual nasty and dull family of vipers and greedy low lives. Also included is Don Johnson, Michael Shannon, Toni Collette, Jamie Lee Curtis (the best one in the mess) and the pretty Chris Evans. To show how hip and clever the film makers are some anti-trump politics are thrown into the stew without mentioning the creeps name, so we know what side of the fence this film and its makers are on. Great like I need groovy Hollywood to enlighten me on our dark present. The great M. Emmet Walsh makes a welcomed cameo and made me want to see Blood Simple again, which this little discarded latex glove is definitely not.


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