Wednesday, August 01, 2018

The Cooper Hewitt

I went to the Cooper Hewitt Museum yesterday on one of those new Culture Passes, that are being given out via our great public library system here in New York City. I haven't been there in years, and this was my first visit since they gussied the place up with all this interactive crap. Ok I'll get right to the point, I hated this place. They have this pen that they give out so you can take an active part in a lot of the displays and I said no no no to it, and made my way through the confusing and badly designed touch and smell exhibition that allows you to touch buttons and get a whiff of chocolate among other stinks. Hey if I want to smell chocolate I'll pop in at Lilac Chocolates. There were other stupid stuff, like designing your own wall paper, smelling hanging cotton balls, (I won't touch that one) and on and on. This is the kind of joint that would be at home in Times Sq. and I never thought I would hate a museum so much in my great museum city. There were bits and pieces of nice looking and smart pieces but they get lost because of all the flash and mirrors that is now part of this museum. A shame. I started to get dizzy from all the lights and flash so I grabbed a pastry and went out to sit in the pretty garden but alas there was no peace or quiet to be found here what with the unsupervised hoards of kids running helter skelter all over the place. I'm glad for this culture pass thing even though its confusing as hell to master, maybe they need to give out magic pens to help us, but one thing is for sure I'm glad that I didn't waste my $10.00 on this place and that I will never ever return here.


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