Thursday, February 01, 2018

James Castle: People, Places & Things. New York Studio School

Here it is only February and already I'm in love with an exhibition that is this lovely and touching show of 50 small works by the Self Taught artist James Castle. Born, lived and died in rural Idaho Castle was profoundly deaf, but not dumb as some ignorant crass lady mentioned out loud yesterday as I was transfixed by this marvelous work. The show is entrancing and beautiful, self taught sure, but also sophisticated as much self taught work is, full of lovely small drawings on found paper, bits of cardboard using his own ink made from soot and spit. We have images of houses, landscapes, people, clothes, trees, buildings and industrial images along with complex abstraction. He was of the land and this shows in his work. Also notice his use of color, soft, economical and tactile. This show is for you and you and you, a gift if you like from one artist to another. It's free and on display until March 4, not that long, so grab your coat and go. Also pick up the nice free beautifully printed 8pg. foldover brochure. I cried.


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