Sunday, February 07, 2016

The JuMu

Went up to the JuMu yesterday to catch the Soviet photography and poster show before it closes once and for all today. Packed with wonderful striking photographs by Alexander Rodchenko and El Lissitzky among many others along with books and pamphlets and superb movie posters of the period. Nicely installed if a bit cramped, they even built a sweet little theatre to show films. It closes today Sunday. The Jewish Museum doesn't charge money on saturdays, Step away from that gelt so it can be a bit crowded but worth it. The other show now on is a well done large group show called unorthodox which is basically a show of outsiders and I pretty much enjoyed it. What I thought was how many terrific artists there are who are busy making art without any or much regard about the overstuffed New York Art world with its privileged few. Not everything in the show was too my liking, but I was surprised by how much I did like and the charm of the work overflows all over the place.


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