Friday, September 05, 2014

Marjorie Strider 1931-2014

Many drunken nights and wild times. R.I.P.

I knew her very well in the late 60's early 70's back when the art world was small and fun. She knew everyone and was lovers with many famous male artists including Sol le Witt and Carl Andre. I Met lots of interesting people through her, the list is long, but we had a big falling out in the 80's and our friendship never recovered. Here is what she wrote for the catalog of my retro. at Kent State in 1977

"I first met Ira Joel Haber one sunny morning in 1968 in an apartment on tenth st. He was at the tender age of twenty one eating his corn flakes and milk. In the nine years since that day I have hated, loved, screamed, cried, laughed, gone over the edge several times and produced a lot of very good sculpture.I feel Ira Joel's history parallels mine. Through all life's machinations in those nine years we have managed to keep a friendship and a respect for each other's work alive and kicking. That is an incredible accomplishment."


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