I Move

I moved to Manhattan from Brooklyn when I was
19 in the late summer of 1967, one year after Frank O’ Hara was mowed
down by a dune buggy on Water Island. Most people refer to his death as
happening on Fire Island, but it was
Water Island that he died, visiting the same house where a few years
earlier Edward Albee had written “Who’s Afraind Of Virginia Wolfe?” I
too would visit this house and place one summer a few years later but
that comes much later. At the time I had no idea who Frank O’Hara was,
and when my new sophisticated friends first mentioned him, I thought
they were talking about some Italian actor named Franco Hara. I had just
turned 19 and was really ready to get out of Brooklyn and make the move
to Manhattan. This was my goal since I was 15. When I was around 17 me
and my friend Howard would sit in one of the glorious art deco rooms of
the main branch of the Brooklyn public library near Grand Army Plaza
and read through the apartment ads in the back of the Village Voice,
dreaming of the day when I would move into the city. I had saved up
$800.00 from my jobs working in advertising, but my career in the ad
world was not going all that well. Still I was willing to take a chance
that I could always find employment doing crap work in the profession. I
wanted to live of course in Greenwich Village which was in my heart and
soul for as long as I could remember. I had been going there since I
was a 15-year-old kid. Moodily I would sit in Washington Sq. park in the
dead of Fall and Winter reading Baldwin’s “Another Country.” I knew
that the life and people that Baldwin wrote about in the book was the
kind of life that I wanted. I wanted to know writers, actors and
artists. I would go to the Washington Sq. Art shows with my fellow high
school art students thinking that this garbage was good. How little I
knew. I started to go to Off-Broadway shows when I was 16 and 17 mainly
with Howard. We had seen our first Albee plays and discovered the
wonderful Judson Poet’s Theatre which we would go to, it seems to me
every weekend. What is now strange and somewhat disappointing to me is
that at the same time I was going to see the plays there was also
happenings, dance and art taking place but we never went to those
events. Instead we stayed with the plays. I did go into the art gallery
one day and asked the young man sitting at the desk if I could bring
my drawings in to show him, and he said sure, but I chickened out, and
some years later I would tell Jon Hendricks who was the young man behind
the desk this story and we would chuckle about it. Me and Howard
thought we were so grown up, so know it all hip Brooklyn Jewish boys. We
couldn’t hit a baseball but we could recite lines from Albee’s “The
American Dream” by heart and could sing some of the songs from the Al
Carmines Rosalyn Drexler musical “Home Movies.” It’s now 47 years ago
since I started to look for a place to live. Sharing an apartment with a
stranger was such a new option for me both scary and exciting but I was
determined to get out of my crazy house where my parents fought all the
time. I had stopped talking to my father. He was at that time out of
his mind. His addiction to diet pills and speed had taken its toll and
he was manic and dangerous. He had turned the bedroom that he and my
mother once shared (she was now sleeping alone in the bedroom that I
once shared with my brother) into a workshop, a garage, a room that was
full of wood, paint tools and the weird objects that he would make. He
was also storing tires and cans of gasoline. Why he didn’t blow us all
up is a miracle. They turned off the electricity for a while because my
parents had no money to pay the bill and he ran cables up and down the
hall and tapped into the buildings current. He took my sisters baby
shoes, sprayed them with gold paint and made a hideous lamp out of them.
There her tiny little shoes sat, once white and happy they now sat
sadly at the base of some gold-sprayed pieces of wood with its eerie
light topped off by a lampshade that he had found in some trash bin.
Looking back on it, I suppose this was good therapy for him, but not for
me. It was a very sad tension filled time for me. My brother and sister
had both married and I was on my own in this crazy place. I was now
sleeping in the small small bedroom that was once my sister’s room that
was next to his workshop-bedroom. He would hammer, saw and talk to
himself into all hours of the night of course keeping me up with the
noise. I complained. “Can you stop the noise I have to get up to go to
school or later on I have to get up to go to work.” He would just look
at me and continue to hammer and saw as if I didn’t exist. Finally in
the early dawn he would be exhausted and collapse on the bed that was
full of things and fall asleep in his dirty clothes. So finally 47 years
ago in the spring and summer of 1967 I took an ad out in the Village
Voice announcing to all that I was looking for a roommate. My mother was
upset that I was planning to move out, and I really don’t think she
believed that I would do it, but truth be told I wasn’t getting along
all that well with her either. So in that spring and early summer of
1967 I started to prepare for my move. A few days after the ad came out,
I started to get responses and I would head off to the city to look at
the apartments. Howard had asked if I wanted him to come along and I
said sure why not I could use the moral support and company. So at each
place he would patiently wait for me downstairs as I went to look at
apartments. They were in the village, some uptown and one near Times Sq.
After 47 years I still remember them all. There was one place on
Christopher St. that when I asked the guy where do I sleep he patted his
bed. No thank you. I also saw an apartment off Greenwich Avenue that
was being offered by a very large overweight African American whose
taste was as loud and garish as he was large and overweight. Over the
plastic wrapped white couch that had lots of gold fringes and borders
was a very large oil painting of his mother. I thought he was a pimp and
offered me the room on the spot. “I’ll get back to you in a day or so” I
said as I made a hasty retreat back down to the avenue. Actually most
of the guys who I met were gay, and at 19 I really didn’t know who I
was. I was still like a little chick just coming out of his shell. One
guy and his girlfriend interviewed me in his small ugly upper eastside
apartment and they didn’t stop arguing, but he said I could share the
place if I wanted to. I recall him being very handsome, and he keep
telling his girlfriend Mindy to shut up every time she tried to say
something. “Mindy would you please shut the fuck up” he would yell. I
agreed to share, but later in the day he called to say that his
girlfriend would be moving in instead. Maybe that’s what they were
fighting about but I was relieved. The search went on. One day I
answered the phone and the voice at the other end sounded very feminine.
“I have a room for rent in my apartment on 19th street in Chelsea,
would you be interested”. “Yes I would but where is Chelsea?” He gave me
the directions and soon me and Howard found ourselves in a neighborhood
I had never been to before. Where was I? It was a rather run down
Spanish neighborhood with lots of small mom and pop shops along 8th
avenue. We found the building a huge pre war number but no elevators and
I started the long climb up to the 6th floor. Dennis and his overweight
sweet dog Lisa greeted me at the door. I loved the apartment right off
the bat. The living room had nice pattered rugs on the floor and wooden
shutters on the windows. A comfortable red worn couch was against one
wall and two old leather recliners sat at either end of the couch. But
what really caught my eye was the wall to wall bookshelves that held
100’s of books along with Dennis’s large opera and classical music
record collection. There was a small kitchen and bath and two bedrooms,
one was Dennis’s office, which also had wall to wall bookcases and two
desks. The room smelled nice, musty but nice. The other bedroom would be
mine if I got lucky. It also had shutters on the window and the view
from it was terrific with a great view of the Empire State Building. It
was all so nice and sophisticated, a set out of a Broadway play. I
wanted to live here in the worst way. It was my dream apartment come
true. Dennis was small and somewhat effeminate with a high voice and a
scary loud laugh that most people when hearing it thought he was a girl.
At that time he dressed conservatively and he told me about the several
careers he had before I met him, including one as a costume designer,
which he left to go work in publishing. He opened the closet to show
where my clothes would go and it was full of dresses and other feminine
things. Oh shit I thought. He’s a transvestite this will never do.
“These are my ex-girlfriends clothes, she just moved out and she’ll be
picking up the stuff soon.” His ex-girlfriend what a relief. We sat in
the living room with the sun pouring in. Two cats basked in a small pool
of it taking their afternoon nap, and Lisa the dog was staring at me
with her big soulful eyes. “Lisa out” Dennis commanded and she sulked
out of the room to her little corner in the hallway. “I work at home
now” he said I do free lance editing. He asked me about myself what did I
do for a living. “You would have the bedroom, and I’ll sleep on the
couch that opens up into a bed.” The rent is 80.00 a month. I was ready
to move in that day. “My original roommate Peter just moved back to
Puerto Rico so I need someone to share the rent and the expenses.” Oh
one thing Ira after working all day I like to relax and smoke some pot
and watch old movies on TV.” Do you smoke pot? “No I never have, but I
would love to” I replied. He laughed and I knew that I had passed the
test. Well I have a few more guys to interview, and I’ll get back to you
when I reach my decision. As we said our goodbyes, I knew this was
where I belonged and I literally floated down 6th floors. “How did it go
Howard asked.” “Oh God what a great apartment, this is the one Howard.”
“Where the fuck are we anyway.” I asked. “Chelsea where the fuck is Chelsea”?. I would soon know all about Chelsea.
The illustrations are drawings of my roommates
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